Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

I wish you all a day filled with sweetness. 

I've been away from my blog and my artwork for awhile, and I'm really missing this creative corner of my life. I'm pushing my internal 'restart button' and looking forward making time for some art in my days again.  I've missed you all......!


  1. She lives!!

    We've missed you too, Claire! Hope all is well and Happy Valentine's Day to you.

  2. Missed you, too! Welcome back and hope to see more of you and your art here :).

  3. I've missed you as well. Hope all is well and I look of forward to hearing more about how you are and seeing more of your artwork.

  4. What a surprise to see your post! It's a lovely valentine...


I'd love to hear from you!! ;-)