Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kodak moment

A bit of sadness and nostalgia swept over me today as I read that Kodak has decided to stop making cameras. What? Even though I knew that they had lots of competition in cameras, the news still came as a bit of a surprise to me... Kodak had been synonymous with 'cameras' for so many years.

My own memories came flooding back to me of my first camera -- a little Kodak Instamatic 104. I vividly remember the bright Yellow-Gold and Black box that it arrived in and how excited I was to be able to take "my own pictures".
I was pretty proud of my little camera and it was always a big deal to take in a roll of film for developing, and go back to pick up the prints (and negatives of course). I think getting my camera was yet another step along my path towards independence - it enabled me to choose what "I" wanted to take a picture of, but with choices also came responsibility. The rolls of film with a fixed number of shots, and the cost of developing, caused me to be more mindful and selective. I had to plan ahead on a trip to ration the number of 'shots' as each roll was limited to either 12 or 24 shots and the developing cost quickly added up. Simple times!

What a difference from now! I just checked my files for 2011, and I took 8500 photos last year alone!! If that were old fashioned film, think of all the trips to the drugstore and lots of $ in developing costs!! Taking this many photos in a year would have been unthinkable back then with my Instamatic 104!!

Looking back...Kodak was founded way back in 1880, and became known for its simple Brownie and Instamatic cameras all over the world. I remember my Dad fondly talking about his Brownie camera. I was surprised to learn today that Kodak even created the first digital camera back in 1975. But, they were up against serious Japanese competition during the 1980s and Kodak wasn't able to keep up with the shift from film to digital cameras. It is a sad day for me to see them stop making cameras.

How about you? What special Kodak memories do you have? To help jog your memories.... here are some Kodak slogans I found on the web:

America's storyteller

You press the button - we do the rest

The real Kodak moment happens when you share.

Share moments. Share life.

I especially like that last one "Share moments. Share life."!!

Kodak, thanks for the good times and the memories!


Kathy A. Johnson said...

It makes me sad to see Kodak in such trouble. I remember our first instamatic camera, too--and the words "Kodak Moment" have entered the national vocabulary. Cute page and a great way to record your happy memories.

Cath Stratford Hawkes said...

Like you I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. I like the old style advert you penned.

Mermaid's Palette said...

Nice sketch, Claire! I had one too (didn't we all?) and thanks for bringing back my memories also!

john.p said...

That's a great post. I love photography, too, and had a simple camera as a kid. I'll have to research what it was, because I forgot. But I didn't forget the sense of wonder and enjoyment you describe. It is a sad day with Kodak's problems.

Cheryl Gebhart said...

This is a wonderful page. And like you, my first camera was also a Kodak Instamatic with the flash cubes. Thanks for the memories!

Sarah Melling said...

Wow.that is earth-shattering news! Kodak is such a part of our popular culture the cameraas, the film... remember the Paul Smon song, "Kodachrome"? Ahhh...I feel old.

But I love your charming sketch..and affectionate portrait!

Timaree said...

I just got a new Kodak for Christmas! That was cutting it close wasn't it? I wanted a small simple camera to toss in my purse. Wow, it hard to believe they are not going to be making cameras anymore.

iHanna said...

Very cool journal page, not as quick as a photo but much more personal. :-)

Joanne said...

Claire, I had that very same camera, and still do! It came on all my travels with me back in high school, and I think it influenced my love of photography today. It figures prominently in my memoir manuscript, too.

I also left you a comment on my blog, and would love to have you paint that picture!

Joanne said...

Congratulations Claire! You've won the first copy of Whole Latte Life :)

If you could just email me with your address, I'll get the book right out to you. My email address is on my blog profile page, on the left sidebar.

Thanks for entering, and I hope you enjoy the story.

Claire M said...

First, THANK YOU all for taking an interest in this sketch and my walk down memory lane. I find it very rewarding to do sketches that reflect on where I've come from -- I guess it is my way of keeping the memories alive and not letting them slip away. Before the Kodak announcement I don't think I had given a thought to this camera in YEARS -- probably back to early 1970's. Creating this page was an opportunity for me to get back in touch with those memories. It was fun to read about your own memories of Kodak cameras in your lives. Also, in doing this page I had fun Googling about Kodak and my camera. That is how I stumbled on the catch-phrase 'Share moments. Share life.' which I plan to carry forward with me.

Sarah - Thanks for reminding me about the Paul Simon song, "Kodachrome". I had forgotten about it, and it is nice to rekindle those memories.

Joanne - THANK YOU for choosing my lucky number to receive a copy of your first book, "Whole Latte Life". I can't wait to receive it and start savoring it with a nice warm latte!!

Claire M said...

Thank you Sophia for visitng. I'll have to take a look at Sunday Sketches. Thank you for suggesting it.

Clare said...

Hi Claire,
My first camera was the Brownie Hawkeye - Flash Model. I too remember taking the roll of film to the drugstore to have it developed. Of course I had to take it out of the camera in a very dark place so that the film wouldn't be compromised by exposure to the light. It was almost painful waiting to get the prints back and what a treat when the 'one hour photo mart' set up a booth in my neighborhood. Thanks for sharing this story.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your very nice comments.
See you at the beach. ;D